Damson jam recipe mary berry

Damson jam recipe mary berry


How to make Damson jam recipe mary berry

  1. Clean your lids and jars in soapy, hot water, rinse, and then put them on an baking sheet and bake in the oven on low for 10 minutes or until they are completely dry. If you’re planning to seal with rubber take off the seals and then cover them with boiling water. Be sure to sterilize any ladles, spoons, or funnels that you’ll use also.
  2. Place the fruit in an ice-cream pan or a large and wide heavy-based pan. The stones should be left in (see the tip below). Add 150ml of water and bring it to a boiling. Set some saucers in the freezer. Reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes to ensure that the fruit becomes soft.
  3. Add the sugar to the bowl and stir it over a low temperature until the sugar has dissolved, which can take up to 10 minutes. This is crucial in the event that you fail to dissolve the sugar completely, in the end, the pan could catch fire and cause a fire. Bring the heat up, and bring it to a complete rolling boil, and then simmer for 10 minutes. Stir the jam until the temperature of setting is attained. If you don’t own a thermometer, you can test the jam by pouring some of it into an empty saucer. After a couple of seconds before pushing the jam using your fingers. If it is wrinkled then the jam is cooked. If it does not, cook another few minutes, then try again using a cold saucer. When the temperature is the temperature of 105C, or setting point Mix the jam thoroughly.
  4. Remove the jam from the stove and skim off any excess debris, and then stir an ounce of butter over the jam’s surface (this assists in dissolving all remaining solids). Allow to cool for around 15 minutes to allow the fruit to settle and if you decant the jam too fast it can sink towards the bottom. Pour the jam into sterilised jars. identify and close.



Damsons are clingstone fruits and their flesh sticks to the stone, making it difficult to get them out. If you do not like the idea of keeping stones in, cut off in length the stem of the damson, and twist it, and then use a knife to lift the stone away. An alternative is to strain the jam once it has been cooked but this will create an entirely different texture. You can also put them in the fridge and alert your guests!

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